David Asher

The Black Sheep School of Cheesemaking

Past Events: Raw Milk Cheesemaking



David Asher is an organic farmer, farmstead cheesemaker and cheese educator based on the gulf islands of British Columbia, Canada. A guerrilla cheesemaker, David does not make cheese according to standard industrial philosophies – he explores traditionally cultured and more organic methods of cheesemaking.


David offers cheese workshops to communities near and far with the Black Sheep School of Cheesemaking. Through workshops in partnership with food-sovereignty-minded organisations, he shares his distinct cheesemaking style.  His workshops teach a cheesemaking method that is natural, DIY, and well suited to the home kitchen or artisanal production. He is the author of The Art of Natural Cheesemaking.


Instagram @theblacksheepschool

Website http://www.theblacksheepschool.com/